Even though cars developed significantly in the past century, there are still downsides to owning and driving one. Firstly, they are not very good for the environment; even if they are electric, they still pose a threat to people’s health, due to the lack of physical movement that stems from the use of cars. There are not many means of transportation that can provide health benefits, while at the same time being environmentally friendly. Thankfully, bicycles are one of them and they are interesting to watch as a sport as well to try sports betting with bet365 on. This text will present four innovative bike lanes, that help both cyclists to drive safely, as well as the environment by being eco-friendly.
Bicycle culture

Some countries just prefer cycling to other means of transportation, and due to this, the term ‘bicycle culture’ appeared, denoting the preference some peoples or subcultures have for cycling in everyday life. The best examples of this culture would probably be The Netherlands, Denmark, Germany, Belgium, Italy, China, and several other countries around the world. For example, more than 60 percent of Dutch people in Amsterdam ride their bicycles every day. In North America, bicycle culture is not universally present, but there are some cities where it is more common, like Portland, San Francisco, Boston, Toronto, and many others. In these types of environments, bicycles can be used for more than personal transportation: people also use bicycles for bigger tasks, such as moving or going on vacation. All of this requires the cities in which there is an abundance of bicycles to have a well-developed and organized bicycle infrastructure. These include bicycle parking spots, as well as bike lanes that are separated from the streets, which are reserved for cars.
Solaroad type
This type of bicycle lane is equipped with solar cells, which are able to generate renewable energy from sunlight. The first lane of this kind was made in the Netherlands; however, South Korea has one as well, equipped not only with solar cells, but also a roof for sheltering cyclists from bad weather.
Starling Crossing
Starling Crossing type of lane comes straight from South London. It is a type of interactive smart lane, which at any given point analyzes the traffic, and determines who has the right of way. In this way, many pointless traffic disputes can be prevented. Copenhagen has a similar system, which relies on smart traffic lights for cyclists.

Airborne lanes
Of the greatest safety risks for cyclists everywhere is the presence of dense traffic, especially cars. However, plans to build an elevated system of cycling lanes above London might solve that problem for good. Eindhoven and Copenhagen in the Netherlands have already undertaken similar projects that keep cyclists safe.
Cycling highways
In Germany, there are no engineering tasks that cannot be completed; therefore, having in mind the ever-growing number of cyclists, Germans made Radschnellweg, which is a 101-kilometer-long highway for cyclists, with no motor vehicles allowed. This enables people who prefer cycling to cross large distances relatively quickly on their bicycles, without the danger of some reckless car drivers threatening their safety.